How To Live a Hurt-Free Life
Warning: Please Do Not Read, if you are stupid
Everybody hates pain, loves pleasure... We are all hedonistic beings to some extent, aren’t we? This is why I came up with a few helpful rules for those who would like to avoid emotional hurt at any cost and by any means. The latter two conditions are however crucial requirements to the applicability of the following rules:
1. Never be genuine or truthful
Your words could be conveniently misinterpreted just so some people’s perception of you may be consistent with their fallacious idea of human nature and the world. Your genuineness may open you to vulnerability against some people’s attacks and this fact alone is validation for being insincere with everyone. Besides, your honesty may cost you friendships, love and other desirable social advantages. Remember that everything revolves around You and what You want.
2. Never make your noblest beliefs transparent.
People will use your beliefs against you. They will associate your ideals with naivety and innocence. You will be judged and sentenced to alienation. Many hold beliefs for selfish and ego-preserving reasons, and if shaken by your own beliefs, you will personally be held responsible for the confusion they feel. Their resentment towards you will therefore be justified.
3. Never take a stand
Taking a stand will make you seem like you have too strong opinions and beliefs, while what you want is to portray yourself as flexible so as to create the illusion of relativity of beliefs in general. More people will accept you this way. Everybody loves a person with no principles. There is nothing you can personally do to change anything worthwhile anyway.
4. Never give in too much to the good within you
Kindness is a sign of weakness to many and they will take advantage of every inch of it you give out to destroy you. If anything, being kind will make others feel bad about their own shadows and you don’t want people to feel bad. This could be your humble way of secretly being kind. Yes, give in to your darkest side. Not only will people feel better about themselves, but they will think twice about attacking you. Unfortunately others may get hurt in the process but it will teach them. You are doing a good thing. They will then learn how to survive in this world and may secretly thank you later.
5. Absolutely do not give in to the feeling of love (or anything “mushy”)
It will soften you. It will make you vulnerable and easy to be taken advantage of. It will disintegrate the hate in you. This hate is crucial to your defense against the enemy. The enemy could be anyone. Your survival depends on it! You may hurt the ones you love in the process, but it’s understandable, even noble. You don’t deserve or want love and you are being noble by admitting it and protecting the poor innocent minds who still believe in it. You are like… an unsung hero!
6. Never write anything of this kind or make it available for all to read.
It will be misunderstood and make you out to be some devil of some sort. Never use the word devil either, it evokes fear in some and that fear becomes directed towards you. Fear becomes anger, anger becomes hate, and hate turns into self-righteousness that sanctions character attacks and, sometimes even harsh verbal confrontation.
7. Lastly, never indulge in genuine introspection
You may just find that you are a human being. You may find out that you are just as screwed up as the very people you blame for your own inner problems. This is a disadvantage! It will make it harder to lie to yourself and parade through life as if you are better than others. You may begin to see how similar you are to other human beings and begin to give in to horrible habits such “understanding” and “empathizing”. You might even start to achieve what is called maturity. You might end up discovering that a hurt-free life is unachievable. But this would dismantle the whole premise behind the note I wrote. And I worked hard on this note! Besides, this sort of introspection requires that you be genuine yourself and we already know why that is undesirable. Finding out who you are, and what your purpose in life is would also require accepting change, and change is way too uncomfortable. So you need to hold on real tight to who you think you are at the moment and resist personal growth as much as you can; equating growth to cancer may help. Remember, that when you die you will finally be totally free of pain, eternally! Well… that is of course, if you believe that life ends
Everybody hates pain, loves pleasure... We are all hedonistic beings to some extent, aren’t we? This is why I came up with a few helpful rules for those who would like to avoid emotional hurt at any cost and by any means. The latter two conditions are however crucial requirements to the applicability of the following rules:
1. Never be genuine or truthful
Your words could be conveniently misinterpreted just so some people’s perception of you may be consistent with their fallacious idea of human nature and the world. Your genuineness may open you to vulnerability against some people’s attacks and this fact alone is validation for being insincere with everyone. Besides, your honesty may cost you friendships, love and other desirable social advantages. Remember that everything revolves around You and what You want.
2. Never make your noblest beliefs transparent.
People will use your beliefs against you. They will associate your ideals with naivety and innocence. You will be judged and sentenced to alienation. Many hold beliefs for selfish and ego-preserving reasons, and if shaken by your own beliefs, you will personally be held responsible for the confusion they feel. Their resentment towards you will therefore be justified.
3. Never take a stand
Taking a stand will make you seem like you have too strong opinions and beliefs, while what you want is to portray yourself as flexible so as to create the illusion of relativity of beliefs in general. More people will accept you this way. Everybody loves a person with no principles. There is nothing you can personally do to change anything worthwhile anyway.
4. Never give in too much to the good within you
Kindness is a sign of weakness to many and they will take advantage of every inch of it you give out to destroy you. If anything, being kind will make others feel bad about their own shadows and you don’t want people to feel bad. This could be your humble way of secretly being kind. Yes, give in to your darkest side. Not only will people feel better about themselves, but they will think twice about attacking you. Unfortunately others may get hurt in the process but it will teach them. You are doing a good thing. They will then learn how to survive in this world and may secretly thank you later.
5. Absolutely do not give in to the feeling of love (or anything “mushy”)
It will soften you. It will make you vulnerable and easy to be taken advantage of. It will disintegrate the hate in you. This hate is crucial to your defense against the enemy. The enemy could be anyone. Your survival depends on it! You may hurt the ones you love in the process, but it’s understandable, even noble. You don’t deserve or want love and you are being noble by admitting it and protecting the poor innocent minds who still believe in it. You are like… an unsung hero!
6. Never write anything of this kind or make it available for all to read.
It will be misunderstood and make you out to be some devil of some sort. Never use the word devil either, it evokes fear in some and that fear becomes directed towards you. Fear becomes anger, anger becomes hate, and hate turns into self-righteousness that sanctions character attacks and, sometimes even harsh verbal confrontation.
7. Lastly, never indulge in genuine introspection
You may just find that you are a human being. You may find out that you are just as screwed up as the very people you blame for your own inner problems. This is a disadvantage! It will make it harder to lie to yourself and parade through life as if you are better than others. You may begin to see how similar you are to other human beings and begin to give in to horrible habits such “understanding” and “empathizing”. You might even start to achieve what is called maturity. You might end up discovering that a hurt-free life is unachievable. But this would dismantle the whole premise behind the note I wrote. And I worked hard on this note! Besides, this sort of introspection requires that you be genuine yourself and we already know why that is undesirable. Finding out who you are, and what your purpose in life is would also require accepting change, and change is way too uncomfortable. So you need to hold on real tight to who you think you are at the moment and resist personal growth as much as you can; equating growth to cancer may help. Remember, that when you die you will finally be totally free of pain, eternally! Well… that is of course, if you believe that life ends
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