Am I a philanthropist in the making, an ideologist with plans that will change the world, a revolutionist awaiting a cause, a man armed with passion seeking to save humankind and the earth we are part of, or just a boy with a romantic view of how things should be, a dreamer hoping for an utopian world that will never be? I guess YOU will be the judge of that!

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Location: Cheverly, United States

I'll get back to you with that, when i figure it out completely. (which means never)

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Back to Point Zero

So I’m going to back to East Lansing... I've changed so much since the last time I was in Michigan. I was living the life back then! I did what I wanted when I wanted with no regard whatsoever as to how it could affect my life in the future. I guess when one lives in such a manner his recklessness either comes to a sudden halt, which is usually caused by a abrupt and emotionally charged glimpse of reality or he just buries himself further in the ditch he is digging himself in. Well... I guess its not all that dramatic, but the fact remains that I have changed. Lets call this change maturity; Not that I claim to be as mature as I can get.

Anyhow, I am looking forward to the reminiscing that will come with returning to East Lansing but also to the challenge that awaits me in my endeavor to get into the Masters International program. Yea it may not sound like such a big deal to you, but to me it is a critical step on the way to becoming the type of person I want to be. It is now evident to me that in order to make a positive change in this world one must first be financially secure themselves. This statement may seem like a platitude, but in my romantic perspective I believed that the love of simplicity and humble lifestyle coupled with a genuine care for humankind was all one needed. Well if that is true anywhere on this planet, it certainly isn’t in America. All Americans really need to travel to understand the social and spiritual aspects that we need to work on developing in this country. Clearly, we need a government that is more sympathetic to the common man than to the mega corporation owner. One that cares more about people and the quality of their lives than an increase in dollar numbers. Sure there are worst countries out there. But this is my country and i dont see how we could be such a superpower, yet the average guy still lives in debt and incertitude of the future. I'm not talking about travelling to some romantic city in Europe or some fake world created for tourists in Africa, but to where the common people dwell. But if you want to make a change, being financially secure is not the only prerequisite. I believe that one needs to possess the adequate understanding of the area in which they desire to make a positive change in, whether it be politics, agriculture, or even technology and health. Also one needs to gain practical experience in using this knowledge, maybe even shed some false concepts learned during ones academic studies, in light of truths that are encountered in the real world. And this is why I believe the Masters International program to be a great beginning path to my goals.
Wish me luck on my 10 to 12 hour drive from D.C to E.L!